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Ref. 4168137 - This 240 sqm apartment rented unfurnished is on the 4th floor of a fine late 19th century building located under 50 metres from leafy Parc Monceau and ...
Ref. 4092000 - Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré. This entirely renovated and beautifully appointed apartment is on the fifth floor of a fine 1930’s freestone building. I ...
Ref. 3846084 - Rue Jean Gougon. This beautifully appointed apartment on the fifth floor of a fine late 19th century building with a caretaker, a lift and an intercom ...
Ref. 4114424 - Saint-Augustin. This apartment on the top floors (2nd and 3rd) of a fine turn-of-the-century freestone building was renovated throughout in 1996. Over ...
Ref. 4089918 - Avenue de Messine. This 85 sqm apartment rented unfurnished is on the sixth floor of a luxurious late 19th century freestone building located in the i ...
Ref. 4066394 - This 70 sqm apartment rented furnished is on the 4th floor of a fine late 19th century Haussmannian building in the capital's prestigious Golden Trian ...
Ref. 3951064 - Rue de Téhéran, Parc Monceau neighbourhood. This 36 sqm apartment rented furnished is on the fourth and top floor of a fine late 19th century freeston ...
Ref. 3849375 - This superb 190 sqm apartment is on the second floor of a fine turn-of-the-century Haussmannian building located in a peaceful street a stone's throw ...
Ref. 3741232 - Place Saint-Augustin. This superb apartment on the fourth floor of a fine late 19th century freestone building with a lift has been renovated and furn ...
Ref. 3352996 - Prestigious Golden Triangle. This beautifully appointed apartment is on the fifth floor of a fine freestone building with a caretaker, a lift, a door- ...
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