Daniel Féau Provence - Aix en Provence et Pays Varois
6 rue Espariat
Hôtel Boyer d’Éguilles
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6 rue Espariat
Hôtel Boyer d’Éguilles
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Aix en Provence – A renovated property with a swimming pool
This peaceful property dating from the 1970’s is located in a residential neighbourhood in walking distance of the shops and schools, and a convenient distance from the autoroute.
Extended and renovated throughout in 2021, it today offers 289,40 sqm of living space and is set in 1448 sqm of enclosed landscaped grounds with a swimming pool.
Mainly on a single floor, it includes a near 92 sqm living/dining room with a superb open-plan kitchen, a storage room, a study, a master suite with a bathroom and dressing room, and a bedroom with a shower room.
Three bedrooms with shower rooms are on the raised ground floor.
The lower floor comprises storage rooms, technical premises, and a potential screening or fitness room.
With a double garage and an exterior parking space.
A rare opportunity on the market.