Belles demeures de France Châteaux
30, avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie
Paris 8th
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30, avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie
Paris 8th
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A superb private mansion in the historic heart of Auxerre
Auxerre, Yonne department. This elegant 18th century private mansion set in one of the city’s oldest streets has been entirely restored harmoniously allying its period architectural style with contemporary comfort and style.
Ideal as premises for a self-employed professional, for a business or to create a restaurant, the property could also simply create a spacious and elegant family home.
A near 100 sqm annex to restore is accessed from the elevated garden which is hidden from view, overlooks the rooftops and enjoys a view of Saint Etienne Cathedral.
With a total basement benefiting from high ceilings, and a 2-car garage.